Future me?

One of the things I like to discuss is time - time levels the playing field for everyone, because we all have the same amount of time to work with (until we die, of course).

We all have the same number of seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, hours in a day, days in a month, and months in a year.

What we choose to do with that time is what differentiates us from one another. Think of a point in the future - six weeks, for example. Six weeks will pass for each of us in 42 days, regardless of whether we spend it sitting on the couch watching television or work on improving our physical and mental well-being. But, we will all arrive at that point in the future in the same amount of time.

Time is one of the many tools at your disposal. But you have to take advantage of it, and use it properly. No one can do it for you - you have to do it for yourself.

A reader sent me a link to a website earlier this week called FutureMe. You can compose an email to your "future self" and have it delivered on a specified date. Many of you may already do something similar. I write notes to myself in my calendar - notes about what I should have accomplished by a specific date, reminders about what I need to be doing and what my motivation to do it is (or was at the time I undertook the task), notes about what I expected of myself 3, 6, 9 or more months from today. It is a good idea, and can help you stay on track with your goals and objectives.

what is t.a.d.?